Here are 5 steps for converting leads to customers

Identify your USP, Unique Selling Proposition

Be very clear about what makes your business, products, or approach different that your perceived competitors. Why should your customers choose you over everyone else?

Segment your leads

Determine where your leads are in the in the buying process, and sales funnel. Then identify how do your leads differ from one another and how can you connect with them in your content, based on their difference.

Content that converts

Deliver content that converts leads to customers in the form of case studies, white papers, checklists, ebooks or webinars.

Make good on your promise

What will you deliver your customers? What benefit, value, emotion, or result can you guarantee that they’re going to receive? Make sure that information is communicated in your opt-in as well as your other content.

Call to action

Every piece of content designed to convert readers to subscribers and subscribers to customer’s needs to have a goal and a relevant call to action. Make sure your CTAs align with your goals and your USP.